Ore deposits

prospection – evaluation – extraction

The supply of raw materials is fundamental for the development of a country. But raw material extraction also means the consumption of finite deposits, combined with land consumption and ecological conflicts of use. Our country has extensive deposits of raw materials and a know-how of raw material exploration and mining developed over centuries. JENA-GEOS®-Ingenieurbüro GmbH has set itself the goal of making a significant contribution to securing and further developing this know-how, particularly with regard to the deposits of the Free State of Thuringia.

  • 50 years of prospecting experience at home and abroad

  • knowledge analyses, courtesy assessments, research concepts

  • search, exploration, modelling and reservoir calculations of deposits

  • authorisation and licensing procedures under mining law

  • environmental impact studies, planning approval procedures

  • reassessment of deposits taking into account the possibilities offered by the latest mining and processing technologies

  • valuations

  • digital processing and securing of mining documents