contaminated sites – risk prognosis – site development
Contaminations of soil and building fabric are not always harmful, but often have an economic disadvantage. In the context of construction measures, this can result in increased disposal costs. The assessment of environmental risks is therefore an established service in property transactions, for which we are at your disposal with our expertise. In addition to environmental assessments (Environmental Due Diligence) in accordance with ASTM, our Environmental Department can also handle the issues of contaminated sites / environmental damage for you, from historical investigation and risk assessment to remediation investigation, planning and implementation. In addition to many years of practical experience in dealing with contaminated sites, we also have extensive research expertise in the fields of representative sampling and geostatistical analysis. Our publicly appointed and sworn experts are available to assist our experts in the investigation and evaluation of suspected contaminated sites.
We carry out the historical investigation of an abandoned landfill or a contaminated site as the first professional step towards the classification of a suspected contaminated site or the verification of a suspected contamination or a harmlessness (exclusion of the suspected contamination). If the suspicion persists and a monitoring recommendation with or without the need for special action (necessity of an orienting investigation OU), monitoring or investigation services are designed at the request of the client. In this case, our own research results on questions of the representativeness of exposures / sampling for certain area sizes and contamination types are applied. The JENA-GEOS® has developed its own know-how and a cost-optimised working method with aerial photographs and GIS applications for the HE of several hundred areas.
In this phase the following are carried out under consideration of relevant laws, ordinances and working aids of the federal and state government:
If the results of the initial assessment or the historical investigation confirm sufficient suspicion of a harmful soil change (suspected contaminated site) and/or if a corresponding official order for the investigation of contaminated sites is available, a risk assessment must be carried out in accordance with § 9 BBodSchG. This work phase includes all investigations and assessments that are necessary to conclusively present the hazards posed by a suspected contaminated site to the site-relevant protected goods and to the impact paths relevant according to BBodSchV (soil-human; soil-groundwater, soil-useful plant). We offer you a step-by-step procedure adapted to the specific individual case (initial assessment, exploratory investigation or detailed investigation) in order to achieve an optimal cost-benefit ratio. Our services within the scope of risk assessment are:
A contaminated site within the meaning of the Federal Soil Protection Act (BBodSchG) exists if, as a result of a risk assessment, harmful changes in soil have been identified. In this case, the competent authority requires the party obligated to remediate the site to carry out a remediation investigation (according to BBodSchV & § 4 para. 3 BBodSchG) in order to be able to decide on the type and extent of the necessary hazard prevention measures.
Our services within the scope of the remediation investigation are:
Within the framework of the remediation planning, it has to be explained in detail how the planned measures from the remediation investigation will be implemented so that the hazard potential identified in the previous investigation steps will be permanently eliminated or limited to an acceptable level. The remediation of contaminated sites differs from conventional construction measures by the special subsoil risk, the special operational procedures, the manifold process engineering steps, the handling of pollutants and/or waste, the resulting concerns of occupational safety and neighbourhood protection, the extensive questions of approval law as well as the pronounced public interest. In general, there is a multitude of remediation techniques/procedures with different performance, applicability and costs available for the remediation of contaminated sites (according to BBodSchG), so that we develop a tailor-made solution for each contaminated site based on a completed risk assessment and the provisionally defined remediation objectives. The remediation of a contaminated site represents a cost-intensive part of the treatment of contaminated sites and requires careful planning (approval planning, § 10 para. 1 BBodSchG) and execution, for which we are always available to you as a contractor with our experience and expertise. We are happy to supervise the remediation implementation as part of a construction supervision and subsequent monitoring for you.
Our services within the scope of remediation planning and implementation are:
We carry out Environmental Due Diligence (EDD) for you as part of your corporate due diligence for mergers & acquisitions and real estate transactions based on German legislation and
specifications of ASTM (E1528-14, E1527-13, E1903-11). The core of the EDD is the analysis of environmentally relevant liability risks, with which warranty claims for the seller are warded off or weaknesses of the object of sale are designed to reduce the purchase price for the buyer.
can be grounded. For 25 years, JENA-GEOS® has been a specialist in the analysis of environmental risks and the monetarisation of ecological burdens and has extensive know-how on questions of risk minimisation, thanks, among other things, to over 2,000 assessed sites in the course of the privatisation of former state-owned companies in Eastern Germany and Eastern Europe. We are constantly developing the experience we have gained through research activities, software development and in cooperation with partners and are thus at your disposal.
Our services: